How is ConceivEase™ applied?
Place on the hand and then apply directly to the external skin of the male and/or female genitalia just before intercourse.
Has ConceivEase™ been tested?
ConceivEase™ has been tested and developed after years of laboratory research. It has been used clinically in the practice of a reproductive endocrinologist since 1996. Endotoxin testing is normal.
US patent pending. What ingredients are in ConceivEase™? It is a clear, odorless, liquid containing light mineral oil, Vitamin E (d-alpha-tocopherol - a potent antioxidant), and glycerol buffered
with a certified sperm growth medium.
How can I get ConceivEase™ ?
For customers: Please review our list of current suppliers to find your ConceivEase™ at a nearby location.
For Wholesale Purchases: Please visit our Ordering page for inquiries.
Manufactured by Reproductive Laboratory, Inc., Memphis, TN